Dental Professionals, will they step up to the plate this time around?
After the Overlay Cosmetic Appliance that took me ten years to develop was aired on NBC news stations and appeared in newspapers and dental journals, it became known as Snap on Teeth. Unable to fill the demand all by myself, I contacted dental manufacturers to modify their existing equipment and materials to simplify the construction process. After they all refused, and unable to find dental technicians I could train, I decided it was time for closure and left the dental industry to write a novel. Now that my novel has been completed, and after being inspired by emails such as the following, I began revisiting the idea of returning to my former profession. That’s only if dental manufacturers and dental professionals step in to help.
“I have worn teeth with vertical loss. I had small teeth all my life and was always conscious about them. When I speak it seems like I have no teeth and people have made fun of me about it. At times this makes me depressed and I don’t have the money for a major fix. Can you please help me? I’m willing to travel.”
“I've been reading about your invention and wonder why you don't continue with this really great idea...especially with all the graying in America. I for one, would snap up the possibility of using your invention for my own needs, if it were available. Have you thought maybe now would be a good time to go back and get your dream? There are so many of us (Baby boomers) who really need help with our teeth and just can't afford to do the big deal. There must be an association or some sort of sponsorship, or even a venture capitalist that would take on a project such as yours which is sooooo good for everyone. I'm thinking Oprah, maybe, or what about AARP?
Your product is needed and is such a good idea....don't let your dream die!”
If you like to learn more about the appliance you can view it on You Tube at
Arvid Saunaitis
Former dental lab owner
Snap on Teeth is a good alternative treatment to fill the gap of your missing teeth, or to keep your teeth perfectly aligned by wearing a molded resin. This process is very affordable compared to other treatments. However, the downside of this treatment is, teeth can be broken when chewing hard food, and there can be discoloration and plaque if it is not cleaned properly. You just have to handle it with extra care to avoid incidents like those.
Judging by my knowledge, among weymouth dentist offices there might be singled out just those which are in the central part
Mr Saunitis:
Iḿ a Spanish dentist interested on your appliance. Do you have any book or workbook explaining the procedure? Might be an exceptional alternative to some of my patients.
My lab tech. would be pleased.
Dr Castro
Well. It’s 2023 and I believe that all my predictions on the dental industry have come true. Implants are the thing today. But only patients with money can afford them. And dentists who are selling the “Snap on Smile,” that they used to call it, are still ripping off patients. I believe it’s called something else now.
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