I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. I was one of the worst things I did in my life. I called like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.
I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven in an accindent. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have a temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is, I lost my job and excellent insurance. I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. It was one of the worst things I did in my life. I cryed like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.
After the Overlay Cosmetic Appliance that took me ten years to invent was aired on NBC news stations and appeared in newspapers and dental journals, it became an instant success. To fill the demand, I contacted dental manufacturers to help me develop equipment to simplify construction. After they all refused (my appliance would cut into the big profits made on crowns and veneers) and I was unable to find dental technicians to help me construct the appliances, (most capable partial denture dental technicians already left the dental industry), I decided it was time for closure and left the dental industry myself.
After I left the dental industry after being in it for more than twenty-five years, I felt that I walked away from the only thing I was good at. Few years later, I decided to start writing fiction novels and wrote a crime fiction book entitled Deadly Coincidence. Writing the novel made me realize that if we have the desire to change things, and work hard at it, we are capable of accomplishing almost anything we desire.
I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. I was one of the worst things I did in my life. I called like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.
I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven in an accindent. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have a temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is, I lost my job and excellent insurance. I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. It was one of the worst things I did in my life. I cryed like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.
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