Sunday, December 12, 2010

Come visit my new site called Dentalforum

Interested to learn the saga of snap on teeth? Visit my new blog-


At February 20, 2011 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Lady L said...

I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. I was one of the worst things I did in my life. I called like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.

At February 20, 2011 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Lady L said...

I totally agree about the dentist take the money of the pateint. I was taken by them. I lost two of my prement front teeth when I was seven in an accindent. I wore partirals until i was 42 yrs. old. Now, I have a temp bridge I've been wearing for the last two years. The reason is, I lost my job and excellent insurance. I have a state funded HMO that will not pay for a perment bridge. I don't have the money to go back and complete the work. No other dentist here in NYC will even touch it fearing they will break it in the removal and will have to fix them. I'm very much in in need of teeth. It was one of the worst things I did in my life. I cryed like a baby that day when I came home from the dentist. The temps have my mouth smelling horrible, and they're started to stain looking like decay.


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